Rebecca Achelles Rebecca Achelles

40 Viral HOOK ideas for Instagram

I’m a copywriter and published writer, grab my list of 40 viral ‘hook’ ideas for social media now! I use these all the time as an australian content creator.

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Rebecca Achelles Rebecca Achelles

The Difference between PAID and ORGANIC UGC

UGC or, User Generated Content, has sky rocketed in popularity recently and for good reason. It’s reported that Millennials (ages 25 and above) trust UGC 50% more than original content generated by the brands. What’s more, UGC-based ads get 4x higher click-through rates and a 50% drop in cost-per-click than average!

There’s a big difference between content that is meant to be used in organic posts on your feed versus if it’s being used in paid ad campaigns so let’s discuss.

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