Content Concierge - BYO Content

*New offering alert

After several new enquiries, I’ve noticed there is a need for a content editing sessions as well as my content filming days. So, I’ve decided to soft launch a NEW, private one-on-one service called: “CONTENT CONCIERGE - BYO Content.” Here’s how it works and who it’s best suited for:


This is a private, one-on-one session whereby I sit with you to sift through all of your [exisiting] content and I help you create several concepts that are post-worthy. We edit and elevate the existing content that you have - while you learn about the editing process. This is not a group session, this is one-on-one so that you have my undivided attention. You also have the opportunity to ask any questions (& of course, take notes) PRICELESS, RIGHT?!

You will give me access to your content, we’ll discuss your target market, key messaging and plan out 3-6 concepts together. The aim is to get people not only consuming your content and enjoying it but, taking action (buy, follow, engage).

*Virtual option available


This is perfect for business owners who already have a stock-pile of videos and photos. Perhaps recording the content is easy for you but the actual editing is where you struggle. Unlike my other clients who need help actually recording video concepts for their business, you have everything sitting in your photo album and don’t know what to do next. As you might have noticed, filming the content is only half the job - editing & writing the captions is an important chunk of the work too.

Does this sound like you?

“I’ve got a bunch of videos but I struggle to think of the concepts for each”

“I don’t know how to do all the tricky editing. Things like adding disappearing text, speeding parts up, recording a VoiceOver…TOO HARD BASKET, MAN”

“Everyone’s banging on about HOOKS, what is a hook and can you help me think of some hooks relevant to my content??”

By the end of our session together, these questions will no longer plague you!


To begin, we will block off 3 hrs together. We will have already had a short get-to-know-you and briefing session via phone or video call. When we meet, we start by mapping out some video concepts & hooks - that will actually attract your ideal customer. Next, we sift through your content together and begin editing. It is ideal to have a mixture of content ready to show me. It’s easier to be together for this part so I can keep checking with you to make sure your tone of voice and is captured and not my own - You also get to see how it’s done and take notes if you wish. We will aim to edit 3-6 concepts together. I can show you how to check for ‘good’ hashtags and how to choose trending audio, too & even best practices for posting.


Well, yes. You just need to be willing to hop on a zoom call with me for an hour to brief me on your business, first. This is a good option for those of you who don’t live locally to me and those of you who aren’t all that interested in learning the ropes - you’d rather just give me the footage and let me have my way with it. Lol

Sound good?


Alternatively, if you just want me to edit 1 x video concept (using your existing footage) this can be done at a special reduced rate of $99 per video.

To book this in or ask any further questions, simply email or DM me. This service will be launching at $349 AUD.

PLEASE NOTE: For context, 1 [technical] video with several add-ons & overlays can take 45 minutes to 1 hr to edit. So the above is an estimate and final no. of videos edited will depend on complexity (& your preparedness).

x x Love, Bec

(Servicing the central coast, Newcastle and Sydney areas).

reels creator, central coast business, video editor central coast, BYO content editing, instagram mentoring central coast, Sydney, Newcastle business.


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