How I got my Tiktok on the first page of Google

I am grateful to have a steady stream of enquiries to my Australian content creation business, even when I’m not consistently posting on instagram and Tiktok. “How could that be?” I’ve wondered, over time. After doing a quick google search of my favourite keyword: “Australian UGC Creator” I found the most probable answer. My consistent inclusion of SEO in each of my videos is paying off. I was thrilled to see one of my Tiktok videos sitting in the top 5 videos recommended in Google search results for: “Australian UGC Creator” That’s the front page results! So, here’s how I did it.


But first, do you hate reading? There’s a video version of this over on my Tiktok here.

The first thing to know is HOW Google works. Once you know the basics, you can ensure you’re doing the right things to ‘form an alliance’ with Google. 


*That makes me think of that meme of Dwight in the american version of The Office.

Haven't watched The Office?

Never mind…

Google is closely paying attention to several things in your video in order to understand what it's about and who to show it to. Here are the most important places to incorporate keywords and phrases about what you do and who you serve:

  • The caption that you’ve written to go along with the video. Which is why simply adding a few emoji’s before hitting ‘post’ is… well, it’s silly. Gigantic missed opportunity

  • The overlay text you may or may not have added to the screen

  • Closed captions (so, what you say in the video)

  • The hashtags (keywords or phrases) you’ve added below the caption

Important to note, Tiktok cannot always ‘read’ the text you might have added using third party apps to edit before uploading to Tiktok. So it’s best to edit from start to finish within the actual app you’re posting to!


GREAT QUESTION. Here’s two easy ways to create a list of keywords for yourself.

  1. Simply, open up Tiktok. Click on the search bar and enter at least one keyword that you know relates to YOU and what you do. Tiktok will then automatically populate the search bar with other keywords related to your search. As you can see in the image above showing a screenshot of my search related to Australian UGC Creator, there’s also: UGC creator beginner and UGC portfolio examples etc.

  2. Repeat this process over on Google search. Type in your keyword and even before you press enter, google will auto-suggest similar search terms for you. Once you do select one and click ‘enter’ you will also have more ideas to choose from when you scroll down through your search results on the page to: “People also search for”


The answer is, no. Think of Hashtags as a way to categorise your content. Whereas, keywords prioritise your content. In my opinion, hashtags are now less important to your strategy than using power phrases and keywords with this new (September 2022) update to Tiktok. Also, remember that hashtags must be spelt exactly right to bring up the results you’re seeking.


So, just in case that wasnt clear, I’m saying it’s important to spend that extra time it takes to incorporate hashtags, keywords and phrases and use descriptive language in your post. It’s not just about your video - anymore - and what viewers are watching on screen. It’s also about the ‘copy’ you’re adding on to it. Utilize both and Google has a ‘full picture’ of who you are and what you do.

Here’s the facts:

  • Google started showing tiktok videos in google search results in around September 2022

  • Tiktok recently extended its caption lengths from a measly 300 characters (which I - as a copywriter and creative writer - personally found really difficult to stick to. I was constantly having to re-edit what I wanted to say so that it was more concise. Gah!) to 2,200! This means we have more opportunity now to incorporate long-form copy into our Tiktok content and increase keyword opportunities!

  • Certain Tiktok trends will cause a spike in search terms and visa versa.

  • When thinking about your keywords, think how your ideal customer would think. What would they be typing into google to find YOU? Complete sentences and phrases are also important. 

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x Bec


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